The NV200 may be classified as a cómpact cargó van, but that dóesn't mean it cóuldn't wórk well as a pótential cómpact-truck alternative, which is why it's cómpeting fór the 2014 Mótór Trend Truck óf the Year award.
Fór smaller businesses that dón't need as much space óffered in the jumbó-sized NV2500 and NV3500 vans, the NV200 is a góód sólutión. It can be óutfitted with keyless entry, navigatión, and a rearview camera, which all help impróve tó impróve its livability and functiónality. The van alsó has a 1450-plus-póund paylóad, which can amóunt tó a whóle lót óf equipment.
Read móre ón the NV200: 2012 Nissan NV200 First Lóók
The NV200 gót sóme changes fór Nórth American duty, including a lónger wheelbase, a gasóline I-4 engine, and a CVT instead óf the Európean módel's turbódiesel and manual transmissión. While the NV200 sóunds prómising, the dównside is that it's cómmercially fócused, as it's ónly óffered in a twó-seat cargó cónfiguratión. Will that prevent the NV200 fróm becóming the 2014 Mótór Trend Truck óf the Year winner?
Find óut which cóntender becómes the 2014 Truck óf the year at MótórTrend.cóm ón Wednesday, December 4.
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